The truck driving life has many reward, such as the freedom to hit the open road and explore the country, and the peace of mind that comes with job security and attractive pay. It’s no wonder there are 3.5 million drivers in the U.S. Yet today, there’s a serious shortage of drivers and demand remains high. The average driver is age 45 and there’s no age limit on driving, however, driver retirement is the largest reason for the driver shortage.

Bob Costello, American Trucking Associations’ chief economist, forecasts a 64,000 driver shortage in 2023 and a new record high of more than 82,000 in 2024. According to Costello, “… to keep up with demand, trucking needs more than 1 million new drivers over the next decade to replace those leaving the industry.”

In addition to an aging workforce opening the door to new drivers, the growing trucking industry is also driving demand. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ (BTS) showed trucking steadily growing month after month. “The Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI), an index created by the BTS, calculates the freight amount carried by the for-hire transportation industry. Year over year (March 2021 – March 2022), the index rose 3.8% — a major increase in comparison to the year before.

Another important growth factor is the U.S. Department of transportation’s Federal Highway Administration’s first round of large bridge project grants—investing in highway bridges. With infrastructure spending comes more materials moving, which means long-haul trucking and flatbed, as well as short-haul trucking to help build the roads and bridges.

If you love the open road, traveling, flexibility, and independence, then truck driving might be the perfect job for you. It’s one of the most fulfilling jobs that are always in demand, and it can never be outsourced. Life on the road isn’t for everybody, but truck driving can be a great career if you don’t want to be in an office from 9:00 – 5:00.

You don’t need a degree when pursuing a truck driving career but it requires excellent driving skills and effective time management. Although truck driving seems like fun, it also requires a lot of licensing and training. Anyone interested in pursuing this career should enroll in a truck driving school.

These driving schools will help you with pre-trip inspections, the rules of the road, defensive driving skills, and how to handle your truck. Some schools even offer a job at their facility once you pass the licensing test.

The Truck Driver Lifestyle

For some truck drivers, truck driving is not a profession; it’s a lifestyle. It will allow you to see different parts of the country or even different countries on some occasions. Although all of this may seem exciting, you will have to spend almost a year on the road. If you have a family, this might be a difficult sacrifice, especially during your first few years.

One benefit of a truck driver lifestyle is having more flexibility in your work hours and schedule. Although you will have deadlines and stops to make and may drive for more than 11 hours, you still have the freedom to set your own routes and schedules.

Becoming a Truck Driver

It takes about 7 weeks to finish the CDL (commercial driving lessons) training course, plus an extra week for studying and preparing for the exam. After you have passed your CDL exam, you will be given an interim license until your official copy comes out after three months.

Before you become a successful truck driver, you need a good truck driving school to help you hone your skills. Custom Diesel Drivers Training in Omaha, Nebraska can help you with that. You will spend majority of your time in the classroom and in the field while we hone your truck driving skills. So, call us today to start your truck driving career!

Truck Driver Training

We are so familiar with semi-trucks, the gentle giants of the road. The majority of the time, they cruise in the right lane, and every now and then, as a casual driver, we see truck drivers make a tight turn. Have you ever wondered what exactly truck driver training looks like? Well if you continue reading below, you will stumble across this very information!

The first important thing to note, truck driver training prepares the driver to take a test to receive their CDL license to perform trucking jobs. A CDL license requires special CDL classes. A CDL license allows one to operate large machinery or other large, heavy vehicles. It is important to remember that you can get a specific endorsement for your CDL. An example of an endorsement would be pursuing a CDL that allows you to haul a specific material.

Did you know that semi-trucks and other large vehicles move about 70% of the nation’s freight by weight? This means that there are a lot of truck driving jobs to be had. So the training to get one of these remarkable jobs is very similar to traditional driving school. Truck driver training starts out in a CDL class, in an actual classroom. The classroom portion of truck driver training prepares future truckers by informing them of the rules of the road, driver information for different states, etc. Just like your traditional permit test, the truck driver test also requires you to take a written permit test before getting your CDL license. This permit is meant to allow you to drive a commercial vehicle that weighs up to 26,000 pounds or so. A secondary road test is required to demonstrate capability in maneuvering the bigger trucks.

Lastly, you should be wary about which type of CDL training course you are in need of. There are three different ways to pursue a CDL: license, certification, or an accredited training course. A licensed school meets the state minimum requirements to be a truck driver, and the school itself is licensed in the state you’re taking the test. A certified school means that is has been inspected and completely reviewed by an outside third party. However, this sort of adds a step as an individual can only graduate upon proving they can pass the standards set forth by the United States Department of Transportation. Lastly, the accredited school, which gets reviewed by an accrediting agency that has been authorized by the U.S Department of Ed. Which school you attend will determine what types of trucking jobs you can perform as well as to measure your capabilities and skills for the road. If you are considering a career move, or if it has always been your dream career, consider your local truck driving school, and get started on your career today!

When it comes to both national and local truck driving jobs, there are risks involved. Driving is an inherently risky endeavor, but there are measures you can take to minimize your risk and avoid accidents when you’re out on the road. While a CDL driver school can provide you with an excellent foundation of safety principles, it’s all too easy to let your knowledge and practice slip. Many experienced drivers have a similar risk of accident as the average driver, but most of them they think have lower exposure to risk simply because they’ve gone through CDL classes. Whether you’re an experienced driver, or you’re looking for local truck driving jobs, safety is the top priority. Follow our simple guide below if you’re looking for tips to get you ahead. Let’s get started.

Risks Associated with Your Vehicle

As you will find with any vehicle, maintenance is a key prerequisite to overall vehicle function and safety on the roads. Take for example the value of maintaining your vehicle’s tires. With proper tires, you can avoid one of the most common problems. Tire punctures can lead to dangerous consequences, especially if you’re driving a larger vehicle such as a semi-truck. Driving with cargo or a trailer adds to the importance of ensuring that your vehicle is up to date in every aspect.

If you’ve undergone any driving classes, then you know that defensive driving is the most important skill to learn for drivers of all types. This means that you should always maintain a safe distance from the other vehicles on the road. Always be ready to react to the unexpected. Keeping control of your emotions is a valuable skill that could be the difference between a safe ride and an accidental collision. Try to tamper your reactions to other drivers and keep your cool in every circumstance. Aggressive driving puts you at much greater risk, regardless of your experience.

Risks Associated with Other Vehicles

Even when you do everything within your power to ensure that your driving skills are in the best shape possible, it’s nearly unavoidable to prevent the risks you assume from other drivers out on the road. Even if you’re not at fault, you can find yourself in the midst of an accident. Everything from inexperienced drivers to drunk drivers can cause problems for even the most seasoned professionals. Knowing that other drivers can have just as much of an impact on your safety as your own driving is one way to stay competitive if you’re looking for local truck driving jobs. Not only can it give you the edge up on other candidates, but it may also save your life or the lives of others.

Consider something as seemingly harmless as a tire puncture. Sure, it seems like a routine problem that can’t cause too much damage, but when you zoom out and consider the statistics, it becomes clear that this is one more concern you should keep in mind when you drive. You never know when a driver behind or beside your vehicle may have a tire give out. A punctured tire can quickly lead to severe accidents in the form of swerving and unavoidable collisions.

In the United States of America alone, there are approximately seven tire punctures every second. This figure results in 220 million flat tires per year. According to statistics, the average driver will experience up to five flat tires over the course of their lifetime. When you consider these numbers, the value and importance of safe driving are quite apparent. Accidents that result from tire punctures happen regardless of the precautions you put into place, but there are actions you can take to ensure that you are as safe as possible when you are out on the roads.

Finding local truck driving jobs can be a challenge, so it helps to be prepared in every way possible. If you haven’t enrolled in the proper courses, then you should begin searching for a reputable class that provides the knowledge you need to build a successful truck driving career. With experience and expertise, we’d love to get you started on developing the skills you need to thrive as a driver.

cdl class

Becoming a Truck Driver in Omaha, NE

If you’ve ever driven anywhere at all, chances are you’ve seen a big truck on the road. Big trucks and truck drivers are the backbone of America’s economy. They transport goods that we use every day across the country and into our stores. Without truck drivers, our grocery stores would be empty, we wouldn’t get the packages that we ordered online, and you can forget about retail stores being stocked. We depend on them so heavily, that there were 3.5 million truck drivers employed in the U.S. in 2015.

Some Facts

Becoming a truck driver and driving a big truck requires you to know some interesting facts about the heavy pieces of equipment. For example, did you know that on average, the weight of a semi-truck is about 80,000 pounds? That is 75,000 more pounds than the average car. What about that 18-wheelers takes them 40% longer to stop than a car? These are just a few things drivers need to know before deciding to jump behind the wheel of one of these beasts.

Becoming A Driver

In order to become a truck driver in Omaha, NE, you have to gain a special license. You can’t become a truck driver with your regular driver’s license. You will need to go through a CDL class. A CDL class is a driving school for truck drivers and is required for any and all trucking jobs. CDL classes teach you everything that you need to know in order to drive such a large vehicle safely. Signing up for truck driving school is a step towards a great career for you.

Job Benefits

Becoming a truck driver is a great financial decision for you and your family. It provides income for millions of families across the country. As a truck driver, you will be able to see the country as you drive from place to place, and discover things that you may not have ever seen otherwise. You gather many great stories on the road that you can tell your family and friends for years to come.

If you are interested in becoming a truck driver, take the leap of faith and sign up for CDL classes. You will learn so much about the career, and you will always have that job opportunity when the time comes for you to pursue it.

truck driving school

Common Mistakes of New Truck Drivers in Omaha, NE

There were 3.5 million truck drivers employed in the U.S. in 2015, and each day, new truck drivers get behind the wheel all over the country. That being said, new drivers often make some rookie mistakes that truck driving school can inform you of. With that in mind, here are just some of the most common mistakes that new truck drivers make as well as the best strategies to avoid them.

Underestimating how long it takes to slow down or come to a complete stop.

It should come as no surprise that a truck takes much more power to control and therefore takes longer to slow down or stop. In fact, experts say that an 18-wheeler takes about 40% longer to stop than a car. Knowing this, it’s vital to accommodate for this extra time by putting your foot on the brake sooner than you would when driving a regular vehicle. Don’t hesitate to ask your truck driving training instructor for more safety tips when it comes to slowing down and stopping in time.

Driving while you’re too tired.

It’s also no surprise that some truck driving jobs require drivers to work longer hours than they may be used to at first. Don’t push yourself to go as fast as you can — make sure you give yourself time to rest and keep self-care in mind. Overexerting yourself physically or mentally behind the wheel can have dangerous consequences, so take time to find the right balance between resting and working as you start your first job.

Generally being overconfident in your abilities.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the level of skill you’re acquired is most dependent on the level of training you’ve had. While going to a high-quality CDL driver school is of the utmost importance, there are some things you will only learn after a certain amount of time on the road. In the meantime, try to learn as much as you can from your class instructors and don’t hesitate to ask questions about safety.

Ultimately, avoiding these mistakes when starting off as a truck driver can keep you safe as you find your way. For more information about attending truck driving school and applying for local truck driving jobs, contact Custom Diesel Drivers Training.